Most parents bring their baby or child to our office because they have been referred, they are concerned about a particular issue, because they believe the birth process for their baby was traumatic or because their baby/child has had a fall.
Common concerns parents visit our practice for babies are : Babies appearing uncomfortable or favouring looking or sleeping to one side.
Common concerns parents seek advice for in Toddlers/Children include: Falls such as off the bed, couch, bike, play equipment etc. Postural concerns, awkward walking style, tripping over their own feet/ clumsiness, headaches and back pain.
2. What Happens When I Bring My Baby or Child To See A Chiropractor At Children’s Sunshine Chiropractic?
When you bring your baby or child to Children’s Sunshine Chiropractic to see one of our chiropractors who are baby/child focuses, you will be asked a thorough history. This will allow the chiropractor to learn all about your baby/child and any concerns you have. A physical examination is then performed which is tailored to your baby/child and their main issue. The chiropractor will then explain what they have found, if they believe they can help, what appropriate treatment is involved and if any other examination or treatment is involved from other health professionals. Often parents are impressed at the detailed of the initial assessment.
Any proposed treatment is explained and demonstrated. Chiropractic treatments for babies and children are modified for their age, size and particular issue. Treatment will only occur , if the parents are comfortable to proceed.
Typically babies and children are treated on the first visit, unless something in the history or examination warrants further examination.
3. Is Chiropractic Treatment Different For Babies/Children Than For Adults?
Yes chiropractic treatment is different for babies and children. The techniques are varied to suit their spines. A baby’s spine is very supple during the first few months of life, so the doctor of chiropractic applies only a slight pressure to make an adjustment. For children techniques are low force and high velocity (fast) with low amplitude (depth).
4. How Old Does My Baby Need To Be Before They See A Chiropractor?
There is no particular age and Chiropractors can treat babies as soon as they are born.
5. Do You Need A Referral To See A Chiropractor?
No referral is necessary.
(1) Joyce, M.,Fontana, M., Jernlas, K.,Olofsson, H & Verwijst. I. 2013. Risks and rewards of early musculoskeletal assessment. Journal of Health Visiting. Vol 1: Issue 10: 590-596
(2) Biedermann, H. “Manual therapy in the newborn and infants”.The Journal of Orthopaedic Medicine, no.1 17 1995 Pages: 2-9(3)Joel Alcantara, BSc, DC, Jeanne Ohm, DC, and Derek Kunz, BS, THE SAFETY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF PEDIATRIC CHIROPRACTIC: A SURVEY OF CHIROPRACTORS AND PARENTS IN A PRACTICE-BASED RESEARCH NETWORK. Explore 2009; 5:290-295.